Ladies and Gentlemen:
Let me cut to the bottom line – if McCain is the Republican nominee I will not vote for him for the following reasons:
He is not a true conservative and no longer supports traditional Republican (Reagan) principles – he has become a lefty-lite.
He does not support making the Bush tax cuts permanent
McCain-Lieberman on the environment
McCain-Feingold on free speech
McCain-Kennedy on amnesty
McCain-Kennedy-Edwards on patient ‘rights’
His hatred of evangelical Christians
His temper and his ego
His unwillingness to appoint strict constructionists to the Supreme Court
His endorsement by the New York Times – he works well with liberals because he is one.
His position on Gitmo detainees
His standing with Kerry against the Swift Boat truth
Let me be even more clear. If McCain is the nominee I will contribute no money to any GOP candidates at any level. I am a life long Republican and a card carrying Reagan conservative. My party has left its base and deserves to lose and lose big time if its leftward drift continues.
I will either vote for Hillary and see the blame for our country’s demise fall entirely on the Democrats, or I will sit out the election. But I will never vote for McCain, electability be is not the issue, conservative principles must hold sway.