Tuesday, April 29, 2008
An Antidote to Rev. Wright - Thabiti Anyabwile

Monday, April 28, 2008
J. I. Packer

My Reading

Our PCA Presbytery met last Thursday in Alamogordo, NM. It was a good meeting. We conducted the normal business, including recognizing two newly organised churches, one each in AZ and NM. We also had the unhappy, but necessary, task of deposing a minister.
That last issue is probably passing strange for many, yet considered to be one of the three marks of a true church by John Calvin and others. The other marks are the preaching of the Word and the right administration of the Sacraments.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A new blog partner
I met Tim at T4G after reading his comments at WORLDMagBlog. He has his own blog to which I am posting a link here and over on the left.
Many Books
When I was in seminary, eons ago, we used to quote what we called the seminary student's verse from Ecclesiastes 12:12b, "Of the making of many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh (ESV). At Together for the Gospel 2008 hereafter (T4G) we were given 15 books - probably wholesaling for the amount of our registration fee - a real treat. As I read each one I'll be posting a short review. With about 5500 in attendance and 15 books apiece that is about 82,500 books. WOW!
Here is a list of the books:
Why We're Not Emergent, Moody
If You Could Ask God One Question, The Good Book Co.
Preaching the Cross, Crossway
The Gospel & Personal Evangelism, Crossway
Pierced for Our Transgressions, Crossway
Worship Matters, Crossway
The Future of Justification, Crossway
In My Place Condemned He Stood, Crossway
The Faithful Preacher, Crossway
ESV Bible, Crossway
Culture Shift, Multnomah
The Gospel According to Jesus, Zondervan
Christ & Culture Revisited, Eerdmans
The Courage to be Protestant, Eerdmans
The Truth of the Cross, Reformation Trust
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Great Preaching
Here is the link to the sermons from the Together for the Gospel '08 Conference. You will find a feast for your souls. Enjoy! T4G Sermons
Friday, April 18, 2008
T4G - last day
Well, I arrived home at 10:30 pm local time after a long flight.
John Piper and C.J. Mahaney were they last two preachers and they "sealed the deal."
Piper was awesome as he spoke on radical Christian sacrifice. C.J. challenged pastors from Philippians 1:3-8 to have gratefulness to God, faith for the future and affection for others.
All in all a great, uplifting and spiritual battery-charging conference. Now, I have to read the 15 books we were given, plus the two I bought.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
T4G - Day Two
WOW! A great day! First, John MacArthur on the sinner being neither able or willing to come to Christ without the Father's call - a sermon on Total Depravity, awesome.
Then Mark Dever on unbiblical theology and how postmodernism is just neo-liberalism.
The highlight of the day was R. C. Sproul on Galatians 3:10-14. He spoke of the curse of God placed on Christ and how the scapegoat shows that. Marvelous, he took us right to the throne of grace; many tears were shed.
Last, was Al Mohler on the issues within evangelicalism and the denial of the substitutionary atonement of Christ. It was like drinking from a fire hose.
In the end, tired and very happy. I'm looking forward to John Piper and CJ Mahaney tomorrow.
(Posted the next day due to network issues at the hotel.)
T4G - Day One
A great day with 5000 in attendance. Ligon Duncan challenged us to be good Systematic Theologians in our preaching. Thabiti Anyabwile challenged us that race is not found in Scripture; we are all descended biologically and spiritually from the one man Adam. Ethnicity is a construct one slides in and out of. Bob Kauflin lead the inspired singing.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Louisville - T4G
Well, I've arrived safe and sound (?) in Louisville. Later this morning I'm going to meet "TJ" a fellow blogger @ WORLD Magazine blog. There are going to be 5000+ men and well over 100 bloggers covering the conference. Go to Challies dot com to read a good blog of the conference.
Well, off to breakfast and meeting TJ.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
T4G - part 2
I'm looking forward to being in Louisville at Together 4 the Gospel 2008. I attended in 2006 with about 2800 pastors. I understand this year there may be 5000 of us. I know the singing will be extraordinary. Speakers are Al Mohler, CJ Mahaney, Mark Dever and Ligon Duncan with friends John Piper, John MacArthur, RC Sproul and Thabiti Anyabwile. I expect my spiritual batteries to be fully charged at the end of the conference Thursday.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Persecuted Church
We had a representative from Voice of the Martyrs speak to us at our Vespers service last Sunday evening. We were reminded once again that persecution was not long ago and far away, but as near as China, Indonesia and the Sudan. Pray for our brothers and sisters in those locations.
Amazing Grace
Tonight some of us are gathering to watch the video of "Amazing Grace," the story of William Wilberforce and his campaign to end the British slave trade and abolish slavery. I'd recommend two books as background. Amazing Grace by Eric Metaxas and John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace by Jonathan Aitken. These books record the stories of two remarkable men brought together by God's providence nand the legacy the left to Christians. I recommend them highly.
Well, it is kind of a punch in the stomach to be told - after the fact - that one of you heart arteries was 99% blocked. A stent was put in and I am doing fine. I was able to preach the Sunday after the operation, but I was very tired afterwards. I am very grateful to the Lord for the gifts he gives to doctors and those who assist them. Now I've got to get back to exercising, which was the whole reason for getting checked in the first place. If you prayed for me - thanks!
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