Let us, therefore, understand that there is no salvation whatsoever outside of Jesus Christ, for He is the beginning and the end of faith, and He is all in all. Let us continue in humility, knowing that we can only bring condemnation upon ourselves; therefore, we need to find all that pertains to salvation in the pure and free mercy of God.(From John Calvin’s Sermons on Galatians)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Calvin on Salvation
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Anglican Church in North America

The new denomination claims 100,000 members from several varieties of Anglican spirituality described as evangelical, charismatic or catholic. A union of eight groups, it is seeking recognition as part of the Anglican Communion.
The new denomination's constitution emphasizes biblical authority, church discipline and evangelical missionary outreach.
The Episcopal Church has been afflicted by controversies over theological and moral issues, including the authority of Scripture, the ordination of women and the ordination of an openly homosexual man as bishop.
Former Episcopalian Bishop of Pittsburgh Robert Duncan leads the group, which expected 300 delegates including 50 bishops for its meeting.
Bishop Duncan addressed a crowd of leaders in St. Vincent’s Cathedral, telling them that it is a “new day” in which God the Father is “drawing His children together again in a surprising and sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. He is again Re-forming His Church."
The foregoing from the Catholic News Agency. I wish this new denomination well. In many respects they are like my own Presbyterian Church in America; seeking to be faithful to Scripture and church polity. God Bless them.Thursday, June 18, 2009
37th General Assembly of the PCA
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Words for the Lord's Day
From the pen of John Calvin: On Our Debt to Christ (Thanks to Ligonier)
Let us draw from these words a good general principle: namely, in order to worship God, we do not need to look around either here or there to figure out how much we owe him. For we owe him a hundred thousand times more than we can ever pay, and though we try as much as possible, still we must confess that we are unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10). (From Sermons on 2 Samuel: Chapters 1–13).
Calvin (Jean Cauvin) was born July 10, 1509 in
Thursday, June 11, 2009
One of Those Weeks
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Summer Reading
Monday, June 1, 2009
Killing of Abortionist George Tiller
Every mainstream pro-life organization has unequivocally condemned the killing.
Prepare for collective demonization of pro-lifers and Christians — and more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party movement as responsible for the heinous crime.
Prepare for the continuing redefinition of any and all sharp political disagreement as “hate” — a ruinous trend that may well lead to more [my comments follow] fascist tendencies in our government.