Sunday, March 13, 2011

For the Lord's Day: Our greatest need...

“If God had perceived our greatest need was economic, he would have sent an economist. If he had perceived that our greatest need was entertainment, he would have sent us a comedian or an artist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, he would have sent us a politician. If he had perceived that our greatest need was health, he would have sent us a doctor. But he perceived our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from him, our profound rebellion, our death; and he sent us a Savior.”
 -- Donald A. Carson in A Call for Spiritual Reformation

Sunday, March 6, 2011

For the Lord's Day

"If God has laid your sins upon the Son of His love, you may rest assured that He will never lay them a second time upon you; since, if Christ has borne them and atoned for them to Divine justice, they never again can be found." - Octavius Winslow