“Secular wisdom may lead us to the
truth about the revolution of the planets, but it cannot explain the nature of
God, man, sin and redemption. It cannot lead us to the truth of how we are
saved from God’s wrath, for it refuses to believe that divine wrath is a
reality. ‘The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing’
(Romans 1:18a), said the apostle Paul, because it does not fit the questions –
much less the answers – of secular wisdom… the message of the cross assumes the
terror of the law, divine wrath toward sinners (and not just their sins), and
the need for a substitutionary sacrifice to assuage divine justice. It assumes
the greatest problem facing humanity is original and actual sin – personal
rebellion against a holy God – not stress, low self-esteem, and a failure to
realize one’s potential.” - Michael Horton in Sola Scriptura