Sunday, October 18, 2015

For The Lord's Day

What can separate my soul
From the God who made me whole,
Wrote my name in heaven’s scroll?
Nothing, Hallelujah!
Trouble, hardship, danger, sword
Brought by those who hate my Lord?
Slander here? Or no reward?
Nothing, Hallelujah!
-- James Montgomery Boice

Sunday, October 4, 2015

ForThe Lord's Day

“Grace makes sense to us only in light of the sin to which it provides the remedy. Consequently, the more sensitive we are to sin, misery and danger, the more clearly we will grasp the wonder of God’s salvation. Grace is only ‘amazing’ when we see that it is ‘a wretch like me’ it saves. Only sinners seek Jesus as a Savior!”
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson in Puritans – Ministers of the World