Sunday, August 21, 2016

For The Lord's Day

What can separate my soul
From the God who made me whole,
Wrote my name in heaven’s scroll?
Nothing, Hallelujah!
Trouble, hardship, danger, sword
Brought by those who hate my Lord?
Slander here? Or no reward?
Nothing, Hallelujah!
-- James Montgomery Boice

Sunday, August 14, 2016

For The Lord's Day

"The rulers of the earth plan, and scheme, and make laws, and change laws, and war, and pull down one, and raise up another. But they little think that they rule only by the will of Jesus, and that nothing happens without the permission of the Lamb of God." - J.C. Ryle from TableTalk

Sunday, August 7, 2016

For The Lord's Day

"God’s great end, in all his works, is the glory of his own name; and especially his work of saving sinners through Christ; and that which makes it a great work, is, because his great name is so much concerned therein, and magnified thereby, that it is not so greatly glorified any other way, as it is here." - Ralph Erskine

Ralph Erskine was one of the “Marrow Men” of the Church of Scotland. The “Marrow Controversy” (1717-1722) dealt with the heart of evangelical Reformed theology – God’s free, sovereign grace. Erskine believed that legalism – Christianity reduced to a set of rules, as well as antinomianism – we have liberty in Christ, are free from the law and can live as we like; both are errors that pull us away from a biblical understanding of the doctrines of grace. I stand with the “Marrow Men.”