I finished the book
John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology (Reformation Trust, 2008) edited by Burk Parsons. Contributors run the gamut from senior writers like Jay Adams and John MacArthur to juniors like Thabiti Anyabwile. This is a feast for Calvinists and non-Calvinists alike because is presents a
human Calvin, not an ivory tower academic or 'frozen chosen' theologian. The twenty articles (including Ian Murray's forward) cover topics like Calvin's humility, preaching, counseling and prayer life.
You can purchase the book by clicking on the Westminster bookstore link and help support my book habit!
Have you seen the new resources posted at Calvin500.com? Among other things, you’ll find links to a 97-volume collection of material written by or about Calvin, including all of his commentaries, the Institutes, 10 biographies, and 20 volumes on the history of Calvinism, among other things. I thought you might be interested: http://www.calvin500.com
thanks, Kent. Calvin's birthday is in July and many are gathering around the world to celebrate.
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