Sunday, July 13, 2014

For The Lord's Day

"When a person sees the excellence of the gospel, he senses the beauty and loveliness of the divine scheme of salvation. His mind is convinced that it is of God, and he believes it with all his heart...The light of the gospel is the glory of Christ, his holiness and beauty...Clearly, it is this divine light, shining into our hearts, that enables us to see the beauty of the gospel and have a saving belief in Christ. This supernatural light shows us the superlative beauty and loveliness of Jesus, and convinces us of his sufficiency as our Savior. Only such a glorious, majestic Savior can be our Mediator, standing between guilty, hell-deserving sinners such as ourselves, and an infinitely holy God. This supernatural light gives us a sense of Christ that convinces us in a way nothing else ever could."  – Jonathan Edwards in "True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of the Devils"

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