Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Olympics and the persecuted church

As the Olympic games in Beijing approach there has been increased harassment of Christian leaders. I'm joining with many of my fellow Christian bloggers by asking you to pray specifically for the persecuted church in China. The Chinese government is masking the real ugliness of not only its pollution but also its treatment of our Christian brothers and sisters. A program started by Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association asks Christians to wear arm bands and pray for the church during this time. You can request an arm band by following this link.

Consider this report:

"Some well meaning Christian leaders would like you to believe that Christians are no longer persecuted in China," the promotion says. "Chinese Christians like Anna would disagree. At the young age of 11, Anna has been persecuted for her faith. She has been run out of a Christian orphanage by the Communist authorities and refused admission to public school. She currently lives in hiding and attends an illegal underground Christian school. Anna, like many persecuted Christians in China, remains strong in her faith. She recently told The Voice of the Martyrs, 'I think God must really love me. He has taken such good care of me.'"

(A tip of the hat to Michele McGinty @ Reformed Chicks Blabbing and Voice of the Martyrs)

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